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Langdon ND, 58249

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8:00 AM-4:30 PM

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Over 900 registered for ND Behavioral Health and Children and Family Services Conference tomorrow

Over 900 registered for ND Behavioral Health and Children and Family Services Conference tomorrow

Registration still available

BISMARCK, ND - Over 900 health and child welfare professionals are registered to participate in the North Dakota Behavioral Health and Children and Family Services conference, Oct. 23-26 at the Bismarck Event Center or virtually via an online livestream platform.

The North Dakota Health and Human Services (HHS) third annual conference has surpassed previous years with a record number of registrants and over 40 sponsors.

WHEN: Oct. 24 at 1 p.m. CT

WHERE: Bismarck Events Center, 315 South 5th St., Bismarck

The conference will feature 24 speakers who will share important messages geared toward behavioral health and family well-being and resiliency topics. It will also provide an opportunity for behavioral health, child-serving professionals and stakeholders to network, learn and share best practices in behavioral health prevention and recovery and safety and well-being of children and families.

For more information on the conference, speakers and agenda go to: North Dakota Behavioral Health & Children And Family Services Conference (vfairs.com)

Behavioral Health Conference

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