901 3rd Street Suite #11
Langdon ND, 58249

Office Hours:
8:00 AM-4:30 PM

Summer Hours: Closing at noon on Fridays from May 1 – September 30


Curbside COVID testing is offered by appointment only by calling 701-256-2402.
COVID vaccine is offered by appointment. Walkin vaccination dependent on staff availability.

No testing or vaccination on holidays.

Call 701-256-2402 to set up an appointment.

Save time and fill out flu clinic forms ahead of time at https://tinyurl.com/VaccCCHD for public / workplace clinics and at https://tinyurl.com/K12FallVacc for students and staff attending school-based clinics.

Cavalier County Health District will close at noon on Fridays during the summer.

Looking for immunization clinic information? Find it on the immunization services page.

Langdon WIC Outreach


Appointments held at the Langdon Courthouse - North West Entrance across the hall from Public Health. Please call Cavalier at 701-265-4764 or Grafton at 701-352-5139 to schedule a Langdon WIC appointment. Appointment dates subject to change upon need. We look forward to serving your family!

Closed - Good Friday


Office Closed.

Langdon WIC Outreach


Appointments held at the Langdon Courthouse - North West Entrance across the hall from Public Health. Please call Cavalier at 701-265-4764 or Grafton at 701-352-5139 to schedule a Langdon WIC appointment. Appointment dates subject to change upon need. We look forward to serving your family!

Closed - Memorial Day


Office Closed.

Langdon WIC Outreach


Appointments held at the Langdon Courthouse - North West Entrance across the hall from Public Health. Please call Cavalier at 701-265-4764 or Grafton at 701-352-5139 to schedule a Langdon WIC appointment. Appointment dates subject to change upon need. We look forward to serving your family!

Closed - Juneteenth


Office Closed.

Closed - Independence Day


Office Closed.

Langdon WIC Outreach


AM Only
Appointments held at the Langdon Courthouse - North West Entrance across the hall from Public Health. Please call Cavalier at 701-265-4764 or Grafton at 701-352-5139 to schedule a Langdon WIC appointment. Appointment dates subject to change upon need. We look forward to serving your family!

Langdon WIC Outreach


Appointments held at the Langdon Courthouse - North West Entrance across the hall from Public Health. Please call Cavalier at 701-265-4764 or Grafton at 701-352-5139 to schedule a Langdon WIC appointment. Appointment dates subject to change upon need. We look forward to serving your family!

Closed - Labor Day


Office Closed.

Langdon WIC Outreach


Appointments held at the Langdon Courthouse - North West Entrance across the hall from Public Health. Please call Cavalier at 701-265-4764 or Grafton at 701-352-5139 to schedule a Langdon WIC appointment. Appointment dates subject to change upon need. We look forward to serving your family!

Langdon WIC Outreach


Appointments held at the Langdon Courthouse - North West Entrance across the hall from Public Health. Please call Cavalier at 701-265-4764 or Grafton at 701-352-5139 to schedule a Langdon WIC appointment. Appointment dates subject to change upon need. We look forward to serving your family!