901 3rd Street Suite #11
Langdon ND, 58249

Office Hours:
8:00 AM-4:30 PM

Summer Hours: Closing at noon on Fridays from May 1 – September 30


Curbside COVID testing is offered by appointment only by calling 701-256-2402.
COVID vaccine is offered by appointment. Walkin vaccination dependent on staff availability.

No testing or vaccination on holidays.

Call 701-256-2402 to set up an appointment.

Save time and fill out flu clinic forms ahead of time at https://tinyurl.com/VaccCCHD for public / workplace clinics and at https://tinyurl.com/K12FallVacc for students and staff attending school-based clinics.

Cavalier County Health District will close at noon on Fridays during the summer.

Looking for immunization clinic information? Find it on the immunization services page.

Closed - Veteran's Day


Office Closed.

Langdon WIC Outreach


Appointments held at the Langdon Courthouse - North West Entrance across the hall from Public Health. Please call Cavalier at 701-265-4764 or Grafton at 701-352-5139 to schedule a Langdon WIC appointment. Appointment dates subject to change upon need. We look forward to serving your family!

Closed - Thanksgiving


Office Closed.

Closed - Thanksgiving


Office Closed.

Langdon WIC Outreach


Appointments held at the Langdon Courthouse - North West Entrance across the hall from Public Health. Please call Cavalier at 701-265-4764 or Grafton at 701-352-5139 to schedule a Langdon WIC appointment. Appointment dates subject to change upon need. We look forward to serving your family!

Closed - Christmas Eve


Office Closed from 12:00pm to 4:30pm.

Closed - Christmas


Office Closed.

Closed - New Year's Day


Office Closed.