BISMARCK, N.D. – North Dakota Health and Human Services is seeking public comment on an amendment to terminate the state’s Medicaid 1915(c) Technology Dependent waiver effective July 1, 2023, due to under use and other available service options.
Ending the Technology Dependent waiver will not impact any Medicaid members. No individuals are currently participating in waiver services.
The Technology Dependent waiver was designed to serve adults who are ventilator dependent at least 22 hours per day and able to direct their own care. It was originally approved to serve up to three people at one time but has not been used since 2018.
The HHS Adult and Aging Services Section will serve eligible individuals who are technology dependent through other federal and state funded in-home and community-based services it administers.
The draft application to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to end the waiver is available to view online at Copies are available upon request.
Public Comment Period
HHS will accept comments and public input on the waiver amendment application from March 1 to March 31, 2023, at 5 p.m. Central Time.
Individuals can submit comments by email to, by phone at (855) 462-5465, (701) 328-4601, or 711 (TTY), or by fax (701) 328-8744. Comments can also be mailed to North Dakota Health and Human Services - Adult and Aging Services Section, 1237 W. Divide Ave., Bismarck, N.D. 58501.